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We make textiles with a deep interwoven respect for material, landscape and craftmanship.
We weave waste wool into high quality textiles that reveals a natural beauty. With our textiles we empower designers and creators to bring a natural liveliness into their projects. We employ a radical Earth democracy, preserving what is otherwise wasted, stimulate biodiversity and cultivate social collaboration. This vision finds it’s home in a simple woven textile with a verity of botanical colours.
Most sustainable option
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Our textiles are available per running meter. We always seeking with new colours and weavings. Want more information?
We rescue Dutch wool from waste and bring it to Ireland for spinning
After spinning our yarn is woven in The Netherlands with industrial craftsmanship
We dye our wool, yarns and textiles using an age-old traditional method making lively colours
Our yarns are spun in Ireland and woven in the only remaining wool weaving mill in the Netherlands. This factory brings together centuries of experience in textile weaving.
On a biodynamic farm in the far north of the Netherlands Claudy Jongstra and her community harvest all natural pigments that are used to dye the wool, yarns and textiles
Weved B.V.
Postbus 330
8600 AH Sneek
The Netherlands